

Apartment Project Berlin hosts the exhibition .intuitions_ by .-_-. with five works from the series .intuitions (after joseph beuys)_ speculating on the artistic ideas of joseph beuys and particularly on his multiple “intuition” in the age of information technologies.

.whereas “intuition” by beuys is multiple as object, .intuitions_ by .-_-. are digitiples as information: they are free/libre copyleft gifts for all the peers, just like all the other works  by .-_-. . they are independent from capitalist economics and relations. they are works of free culture and non-reciprocal gifts for peers of free culture. however the exhibition also features the first work of art by .-_-. which is subject to capitalist economics and relations :.intuition1.0 : a unique work of art with an absolute exchange value of 96,000 deutsche marks_ and it can only be exchanged for deutsche marks_ .on the other hand the exhibition features .intuition3.0 : totally dematerialized, zero-byte work of art_ which suggests “an ultimate zero point” in the context of “the dematerialization of work of art”_

.peer talks_ had been held with the visitors at the apartment project-berlin during the exhibition_

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