CW#22 l SEASON 3 l On the Verge

CW#22 l SEASON 3 l On the Verge


Event Update CW#22 On the Verge: New Date – 18 December 2023, 19:30

Please note that the “Chromatic Wednesdays” event with the theme “Home” originally scheduled for 13 December 2023 has been postponed. The new date is now set for 18 December 2023, starting at 19:30. We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause and appreciate your understanding.



Theme: Home

13 December 2023, Wednesday | Season 3, Episode 22

Apartment Project and online


Livestream link:

Organized by the Apartment Project Berlin and funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe


On the Verge


19:45 Performance «On the Verge» (25 Min) by AKS (Gizem Akman, likabari, Nour Sokhon, Selda Asal) and screening of «Tactics of Desire: A Perscription for the Explorer, the etkinFisherman, the Fish» (2022, 7 min) by Maryam Katan



What does it evoke to be on the verge of known and unknown realms? The artists in this episode of «Chromatic Wednesdays» explore this question using different approaches. In the improvisational performance «On the Verge», AKS focuses on individuals’ moments, meeting points and the ways they express themselves in relationship to ‹home› through various media. Referring to the concept of ‹flu›, which in Turkish, Arabic and Persian stands for a faded, unclear, indistinct image  (derived from the Latin word ‹flavus›), the exhibition features new works every three weeks that inspire each other. 


By re-animating a personal narrative, «Tactics of Desire: A Perscription for the Explorer, the Fisherman, the Fish» attempts to reveal the touristic gaze and various layers of exploitative relations between the guest and the host, human and non-human. At the same time, the video by Maryam Katan questions the urge for taxonomy and systematic knowledge about nature.

AKS is a Berlin-based audiovisual performance group created by contemporary artists from Iran, Lebanon, and Turkey with diverse backgrounds. AKS’s artistic productions are based on bringing together fragmented micro-stories of women through movement, spoken word, music and new media.

Gizem Akman (b. 1986) graduated from Mimar Sinan State Conservatory in the contemporary dance department in Istanbul. Akman works as an interdisciplinary dance artist, performer, choreographer, voice artist and actress. She has been active in contemporary dance techniques, improvisation, and movement research from a young age. Based in Berlin since 2016, Akman is (still) moving, dreaming, searching, researching, laughing and observing.

likabari  (b. 1992, in Tehran, Iran) is an interdisciplinary performance and visual artist based in Berlin. After finishing her studies in architecture, her movement background in different sports and dance fields (Flamenco-ats-improvisation) as a professional trainer and performer led her to study macro-techniques at HZT University in Berlin. She works as a choreographer, performer, model, set designer, stylist, and photographer. Her conceptual work is experimental, multilayered, detail- and process-oriented, as well as research- and improvisation-based. 

Nour Sokhon is a Lebanese artist based between Beirut and Berlin. Her creative practice focuses on exploring different methods of artistic research, including interview material, field recordings and recorded material from organized site-specific interventions. Sokhon translates her research into sound/music compositions, performances, interactive installations and moving image work.

Selda Asal studied musicology and art. Her projects, based on films, sound installations and music videos, explore the social and psychological aspects of loss and trauma as well as the mechanisms and politics of memory. Driven by her inclination towards collective work, she founded Apartman Project in 1999, one of the first artist-run exhibition spaces in Istanbul, focusing on interdisciplinary exchange, teamwork and process-oriented production. Since 2012, the project has continued as Apartment Project e.V. in Berlin.

Maryam Katan (b. 1989) is a Berlin-based artist working with animation, film and audio-visual installations. She received her MFA in animation directing from Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran. In her practice, she deals with shifting and repositioning meanings in non-original discourses, seeking alternative cognitive models. She currently works as the editor of the experimental animation’s section in Iran’s only specialized animation quarterly magazine and is a board member of the collectiveAnimation; Experiment.



«Chromatic Wednesdays» is a bi-weekly event series bringing together creative thinkers across diverse backgrounds. As part of this interdisciplinary program, the performance and the screening will begin at 19.45 (doors open at 19.15) at Apartment Project (Hertzbergstraße 13, 12055 Berlin) and can also be followed online on Youtube (


The space of the Apartment Project is accessible by wheelchair.