Group Exhibition – Nothing goes well

Group Exhibition – Nothing goes well

After a little while from the opening of “Everything’s gonna be alright”, on January the 19th, when Hrant Dink, an Armenian-Turkish journalist was murdered, the artists came together on the 20th and started making workshops to protest this event.

Soon, the title of the exhibition altered spontaneously. It became “Nothing goes well”… Selda Asal explains this process: “I was saying that everything was going to be all right. I wanted to begin the year 2007 with this utopia and tried to realize it. I even opened the exhibition “Everything’s gonna be alright” with this belief on December 29, 2006. But, unfortunately it didn’t happen, it just didn’t happen. Through our own disciplines, we tried to create a respond to this murder, which reminded us our past years.”

“On Saturday, January the 20th, I came together with several artists and people from other disciplines and made a new studio workshop to change the direction of our exhibition. “