Panel: »What’s Not Happening in Istanbul?« at nGbK, Berlin

Panel: »What’s Not Happening in Istanbul?« at nGbK, Berlin

Panel discussion
4th of May 2019, 2pm
»What’s Not Happening in Istanbul?« (EN)
With: Merve Ünsal, Fatma Belkıs
Chaired by: Ingo Arend

In the nGbK exhibition space

In the beginning of the 2000s, fertile ground led artistic production to flourish in Istanbul. Financial support for art was on the rise, as were multiple independent institutions. But today, the prevalence of self-censorship in culture and arts organisations has become the norm. There are fewer funding possibilities, and institutions are closing due to economic problems.
As conservatism and nationalism continues to grow on an international scale, political oppression, censorship and violence is increasing day by day in Turkey.
Artists were forced to change their production practices. In these political economical conditions, what are the new methods of production and expression for artists? And which new forms of exhibition-making and financing can withstand the pressure of the current situation?

This panel is the first part of three panel discussions on Saturday, 4 May:

16:30 In the Blink of A Bird: Panel »Art At Stake?«
19:00 In the Blink of A Bird: Panel »’New Wave’ Migration from Turkey«

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