Chromatic Wednesdays #9

For the third episode of this month’s theme Borders, we are pleased to welcome film director Eren Aksu to our live broadcast.


Chromatic Wednesdays #8

We are pleased to welcome FILM RISS THEATER to our program for the second episode of the theme Borders.


Condition Room

Having departed from the complicated context of present-day Turkey, we observe that our conditions of living and working in Berlin constantly overlap and interact. We inspire each others’ oscillating stories; we resist forgetting while we also consciously strive to forget. We persist in our own memories; we are claiming our own words to constitute our…


Panel: »›New Wave‹ Migration from Turkey: Displacement, Survival and Solidarity«

Panel discussion 4.Mai 2019, 19h »›New Wave‹ Migration from Turkey: Displacement, Survival and Solidarity« With: Onur Ceritoğlu, Özlem Sarıyıldız, Tuba İnal Çekiç Chaired by: Özge Yaka In the nGbK exhibition space In the last few years, Berlin has become a major destination for highly educated, critically minded young people from Turkey (the so-called ›new wave‹).…


Panel: »Art At Stake / What are the limits of free expression for an artist?«

Panel discussion 4th of May, 4:30pm »Art At Stake / What are the limits of free expression for an artist?« With: Ceren Oykut, Selda Asal, Ece Gökalp Chaired by: Yasemin Nur In the nGbK exhibition space In countries racing towards autocracy, what is the position artists can take against the skillful plots of fear-inducing politics?…


Panel: »What’s Not Happening in Istanbul?« at nGbK, Berlin

Panel discussion 4th of May 2019, 2pm »What’s Not Happening in Istanbul?« (EN) With: Merve Ünsal, Fatma Belkıs Chaired by: Ingo Arend In the nGbK exhibition space In the beginning of the 2000s, fertile ground led artistic production to flourish in Istanbul. Financial support for art was on the rise, as were multiple independent institutions.…


Radicant Networks II

film screening | discussion with invited guests in English language in cooperation with Marta Ferretti The film is the visual exploration of a suburban area of Milan, a tinderbox of imaginaries, a combination of resilient practices, a memories’ stratification: Giambellino as an open air political laboratory. Post-vanguard, or better, an inland where to keep on rethinking…


Radicant Networks Roundtable

ROUND TABLE & WORKSHOP  |  on the challenges of cultural organizations & artists in Arab countries and Germany → Deena Abdelwahed: Tunis/Tunesia → Dina Kafafy: Townhouse Gallery, Cairo/Egypt → Marwa Helmy: Al Mawred Al Thaqafy, Cairo/Egypt → Mohamed Hussein: Freelance artist, designer and curator, Baghdad/Iraq