Still Here – Solo Exhibition by Ceren Oykut

Still Here – Solo Exhibition by Ceren Oykut

Exhibition Opening: Friday 18th of May at 7pm
Visiting Days and Hours: Friday / Saturday 16.00-19:00
Duration: 18th of May until 14th of June 2018
Location: Apartment Project Berlin, Hertzbergstraße 13, Neukölln

Solo Exhibition:

Ceren Oykut’s exhibition entitled Still Here developed together with a site spesific drawing installation (wall painting) in the Apartment Project. The starting point of the wall painting was a notebook kept by Ceren Oykut while she has been learning German language. It was a work in progress, She started to draw on one of the walls and continued until the exhibition opening in May.

The enlarged doodles on the walls which once were hided between the handwritings gived her the clues of the new coming works. The following works are the transformation of the little doodles into iron. She has been cutting her doodles out of the iron sheets by using the fire. During this process her drawings were becoming heavier and getting harder while all these iron sheets were getting lighter.

Oykut shows also her last works she did in İstanbul which are several engravings. they are one edition prints and are the frames of a very short animation movie.

The exhibition Still Here will try to get together all these processes and show them as a whole installation.


Ceren Oykut
Born in Istanbul on 1978.

Graduated from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Painting Department on 2002.

Her drawings which often cover small scraps of paper as well as paper rolls extend classical techniques in terms of size and space. Focusing on small details, Oykut conveys a condensed image of an ungraspable panorama that explores the absurdity of daily life and circumstances. She also focuses on different disciplines of art, expanding the action of drawing with the light and the shadow. She makes drawing performances on stage and collaborates with the artists from different disciplines. She participated in projects in France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Slovenia, Cyprus, Poland, Austria, Palestine, Egypt and Serbia. She lives and works in Berlin.


Project Type:
