Situational Dictionary :NOW

It seems like we are supposed to be living in the here and now, but situations can suddenly change. The here becomes impossible, and the now becomes a transitory state between past and future. Often these abrupt changes are triggered by uncontrollable external events. Life plans get shaken up and social connections become scattered. There…


Ezgi Kılınçaslan – “You would have lived”

Multimedia Installation Exhibition Opening: 02.11.2018 at 7pm Exhibition Period: 02.11. – 25.11.2018 “We were like you,” they say. “You won’t get the answer to any question. The thing that is real is the longing within you, don’t try to extinguish that.” Neither past nor future, neither death nor life… Staying on in-between every once in…


?? / Zeynep Beler, Emin Yu

Question is the mark of inquisition such as why are we here? did we choose to be here? [you are here – on weisestr, 12049, berlin] on the northeast corner of Tempelhofer Feld under the shade of the trees the duo encounters an 8-circuit Labyrinth. circle the goal and find yourself by turns farther and…



“Is the crime of humanity only subject to trial when it hurts the lives of Europeans? Why some deaths are remembered and others have to be forgotten? What distinguishes human beings from animals is the ability to speak on behalf of evil. Crime is a symbol of our freedom.” Jacques Verges (Devil’s Advocate) Verges and…


Atölye02 / Kavala’ya Mektup

Gectigimiz Subat ayinda Osman Kavala’nin akıl dışı ve haksız tutukluluğuna tepki olarak Istanbul’da 11, 12 Subat ta Depo’da ve 16, 17, 18 Subatta Berlin’de Apartman Projesinde Vardiyalı Açık Atölye deneyimi gerceklesti.


“A Novel” – Artists in Residence at Apartment Project Berlin

To write a novel is seen as a monumental undertaking to accomplish in one’s lifetime. None of us has written a novel before and to take on this task together, forming a temporary writing society means something new to all of us. Believing in realizing a novel in a timeframe of one month introduces already…


“Figures in Air” Performance evening as part of Project Space Festival Berlin

Performer and choreographer Ayşe Orhon collaborates with musician and sound engineer Burak Tamer for a performance that considers today’s body as geography. They dig thoroughly into the territories of human sound in relation to movement, integrating live voice processing. Ceren Oykut expands the action of drawing with light and shadow. She brings her drawing practice…


Still Here – Solo Exhibition by Ceren Oykut

Exhibition Opening: Friday 18th of May at 7pm Visiting Days and Hours: Friday / Saturday 16.00-19:00 Duration: 18th of May until 14th of June 2018 Location: Apartment Project Berlin, Hertzbergstraße 13, Neukölln Solo Exhibition: Ceren Oykut’s exhibition entitled Still Here developed together with a site spesific drawing installation (wall painting) in the Apartment Project. The…



absencexpresence Asli Narin & Gurkan Mihci Audio Visual Performance and Exhibition “absencexpresence” focuses on Asli Narin’s and Gürkan Mıhçı’s 24-hour-experience on Eastern Express train journey, from Ankara to Kars. They took off with the intention of collaboration and art production. As Maurice Merleau-Ponty claims that the painter changes the world into paintings by lending his…


Shifted Open Studio / Vardiyali Acik Atölye

Türkcesi icin kaydirin Offene Werkstatterfahrung im Schichtbetrieb Die “Offene Werkstatterfahrung im Schichtbetrieb” verkörperte anfangs die Reaktion auf die unfassbare und unberechtigte Verhaftung von Osman Kavala – welchen wir kennen und mit ihm in Kontakt stehen; dennoch tritt sie aus der Notwendigkeit hervor, sich solidarisch mit all denen zu zeigen, welche ihrer Freiheit beraubt wurden, weil…


‘white on white’

19 January 2018 at 00:30-1:50 [at] Acud (Acud Macht Neu) Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin-Mitte 3 Februar 2018 at 20:00 [at] Apartment Project – Hertzbergstrasse 13, 12055 Berlin-Neukölln Drawing Performance: Ceren Oykut Sound: FF  fezaya firar