?? / Zeynep Beler, Emin Yu

?? / Zeynep Beler, Emin Yu

Question is the mark of inquisition

such as why are we here? did we choose to be here?
[you are here – on weisestr, 12049, berlin]
on the northeast corner of Tempelhofer Feld under the shade of the trees
the duo encounters an 8-circuit Labyrinth. circle the goal and find
yourself by turns farther and closer.

inside voice asking:

am i still here if you can’t see me?
do i move forward or back?
is the line curved or straight?
what should i show you when you come and see our act?
[expect my gaze upon you]


Vernissage; 14.09.2018 / Friday at:18:30

duo show:
zeynep beler, emin yu

apartment project berlin-
hertzbergstr 13 neukölln
14-29 sept 2018
vernissage 14 sept 18.30