It seems like we are supposed to be living in the here and now, but situations can suddenly change. The here becomes impossible, and the now becomes a transitory state between past and future. Often these abrupt changes are triggered by uncontrollable external events. Life plans get shaken up and social connections become scattered. There…
Book Launch_ Situational Dictionary
Book Launch_Situational Dictionary: NOW _ 22.03.2019 @18:00
Ezgi Kılınçaslan – “You would have lived”
Multimedia Installation Exhibition Opening: 02.11.2018 at 7pm Exhibition Period: 02.11. – 25.11.2018 “We were like you,” they say. “You won’t get the answer to any question. The thing that is real is the longing within you, don’t try to extinguish that.” Neither past nor future, neither death nor life… Staying on in-between every once in…
“Is the crime of humanity only subject to trial when it hurts the lives of Europeans? Why some deaths are remembered and others have to be forgotten? What distinguishes human beings from animals is the ability to speak on behalf of evil. Crime is a symbol of our freedom.” Jacques Verges (Devil’s Advocate) Verges and…
Apartment Project Berlin @ NO (B)ORDERS, C/O KUNSTPUNKT
NO (B)ORDERS is to be understood as a universal political outcry coming directly out of the project space art scene. It stands for an open worldview, the artistic recapturing of urban space, as well as the preservation of autonomy and diversity for project spaces and initiatives. Four internationally active project spaces and initiatives were selected…