Chromatic Wednesdays #29

Chromatic Wednesdays #29


Chromatic Wednesdays
drafted and organized by Apartment Project
supported by “NEUSTART KULTUR” and Fonds Soziokultur

October 2021 | Future | Episode 1
Future Nowness: What to look-forward-to.
Discursive exploration with Valentina Karga and Irene Fernández Arcas

6 October, Wednesday
@Apartment Project
19:00 Door Opening
20:00 Performance

Live-stream link:
Previous episodes of Chromatic Wednesdays:

We are happy to announce our 29th episode for Chromatic Wednesday! Join us to discover our first event to our theme “Future”. For the next Wednesday October the 6th we are hosting artists Valentina Karga and Irene Fernández Arcas at Apartment Project Berlin in Neukölln.

Take a moment to feel. The unfolding now. A future that becomes instant, every month faster and faster. Many people feel that the Future, as the fulfillment of a brilliantly technological and sci-fi era of cultural, scientific, and economic growth, is long behind. Behind what is relevant to today’s particular needs, and for a good reason. This perspective on the Future only left us with a shallow post-apocalyptic imagination.Irene and Valentina will speculate by showing examples from their practices, on where to look for the most important ideas that we can plant today, in order to grow the kind of garden that we can look-forward-to.

Valentina Karga’s work operates between art, design, research, and architecture. It draws together elements of socially engaged practices and speculative experiments that question the existing social and physical infrastructures within the realms of energy, economy, and sustainability. She has been a fellow at the Berlin Centre for Advanced Studies in Arts and Science/Graduate school, University of the Arts Berlin, a Saari Fellow in Finland, an NTU-CCA resident in Singapore and a Vilém Flusser Resident in Berlin. Her work has been exhibited internationally. Since 2018 she is a professor at Hochschule für bildende Künste (HFBK), Hamburg.

Irene Fernández Arcas is an interdisciplinary artist. She creates installations that combine drawings, paintings, photography, texts, and performative rituals. In her work, she explores new conceptions of spirituality and the healing powers of art. Her practice embraces experiments and ongoing research into domestic rituals, self-care, and the process of art-making itself. She paints through movement, eroticism, intuition, humor, and emotion. Her installations unfold as habitable spaces, built from colorful painted textiles and objects, which are often relics from the artist’s prior ceremonies or projects. Collected over the years, they build connections with her own history and homeland. What materializes are metaphorical inner gardens that give room for activations and offer viewers the space to explore magic and community. Irene was born in Granada, Spain and lives between Berlin and the Mediterranean. She studied Journalism in Málaga and Fine Arts in Berlin. Her work has been shown in Spain, Portugal, and Germany. In Berlin, her work has been exhibited recently at Kühlhaus Berlin, Blake and Vargas Gallery, District Berlin, The Institute for Endotic Research, and Galerie im Turm.