SIS In the blink of a bird @ nGbK Berlin

SIS In the blink of a bird @ nGbK Berlin

In the Blink of A Bird

Exhibition: 27 April – 2 June 2019

In The Blink Of A Bird

Working Group: Selda Asal, Özgür Atlagan,Fatma Belkıs, Berk Asal, ŞafakÇatalbaş, Kristina Kramer, Gümüş Özdeş and Yasemin Nur

and Friends:

Birgit Auf der Lauer & Caspar Pauli, Emre Birişmen, Savaş Boyraz, Onur Ceritoğlu, Ece Gökalp, Ceren Oykut, Melih Sarıgöl, Özlem Sarıyıldız, Sandra Schäfer, Nihan Somay, Gökçe Suvari, Berkay Tuncay, Merve Ünsal, Seçil Yersel & Özge Açıkkol

TheFirstPaperWorkers: Evrim Kavcar, Güneş Terkol

TheSecondPaperWorkers: Şahika Aslantürkiyeli, Hakan Öktem, Hüseyin Varaha

TheThirdPaperWorkers: Zümrüt Çavuşoğlu, Senem Denli, Özgür Erkök Moroder, Sina Muehleisen

Publication editors: Erden Kosova,

Incoming Papers Archive: Hera Büyüktaşcıyan, Didem Erk, Bengi Güldoğan, Gülsün Karamustafa, Evrim Kavcar, Komet, Göksu Kunak, Ali Miharbi, Sevgi Ortaç, İz

Öztat, İrem Tok

HisTV Archive: Imre Azem, Mehtap Baydu, Elmas Deniz, Gaye Günay, Borga Kantürk,  Zeynep Kayan, Ezgi Kılınçaslan, Artıkişler Kolektifi, Julia Lazarus,

Lara Ögel, Azra Deniz Okyay, Florian Wüst

The project »In the Blink of A Bird« was initiated by the artist collective Sis*. Working collaboratively, Sis negotiates themes of freedom of expression, bureaucracy, and immigration. In Turkey, print and radio media in particular are increasingly subject to regulations that restrict freedom of speech. To demonstrate the subversive potential of these media, the artists of the collective chose techniques from these fields for their work.

In May 2017, Depo Istanbul hosted the first exhibition of »In the Blink of A Bird«, a multimedia installation that included »Incoming Papers« (printed matter) and »HisTV« (video works). Unfolding between these two poles, the current exhibition at the nGbK integrates additional content by employing materials that have been gathered over the past two years. During this time, many people from Turkey have moved to Europe, and mainly to Berlin. Therefore, the notion of relocating is conceptually taken into account in the exhibition. For the nGbK, Sis developed new modules for their installation, like a wall newspaper and a printing press as well as the »Bureaucratic Application Anxiety Consultation Agency«. A new performance devised for this fictive agency, which offers to help newcomers navigate the bureaucratic jungle, will be presented to the public twice during the exhibition period.

*Sis is a collective of artists from Turkey founded in 2016 during a stay in the project space Apartment Project in Berlin. The increasing suppression of freedom of speech in Turkey forced the artists to work with indirect forms of expression. Since then, Sis has been exploring collective production. The collective is constantly shifting in size, and coming together in different constellations, with new members actively joining while others are stepping aside.

Sis Collective and collaborators:

Selda Asal, Özgür Atlagan, Birgit Auf der Lauer & Caspar Pauli, Fatma Belkıs, Berk Asal, Emre Birişmen, Savaş Boyraz, Şafak Çatalbaş, Onur Ceritoğlu, Ece Gökalp, Yasemin Nur, Gümüş Özdeş, Ceren Oykut, Melih Sarıgöl, Özlem Sarıyıldız, Sandra Schäfer, Nihan Somay, Gökçe Süvari, Berkay Tuncay, Merve Ünsal, Seçil Yersel & Özge Açıkkol
TheFirstPaperWorkers: Evrim Kavcar, Güneş Terkol
TheSecondPaperWorkers: Şahika Aslantürkiyeli, Hakan Öktem, Hüseyin Varaha
TheThirdPaperWorkers: Zümrüt Çavuşoğlu, Senem Denli, Özgür Erkök Moroder, Sina Muehleisen
Publication Editors: Erden Kosova, Umut Yıldırım
Incoming Papers Archive: Hera Büyüktaşcıyan, Didem Erk, Bengi Güldoğan, Gülsün Karamustafa, Evrim Kavcar, Komet, Göksu Kunak, Ali Miharbi, Sevgi Ortaç, İz Öztat, İrem Tok
HisTV Archive: İmre Azem, Mehtap Baydu, Elmas Deniz, Gaye Günay, Borga Kantürk, Evrim Kavcar, Zeynep Kayan, Ezgi Kılınçaslan, Artıkişler Kolektifi, Julia Lazarus, Lara Ögel, Azra Deniz Okyay, Florian Wüst

nGbK project group: Berk Asal, Fatma Belkıs, Kristina Kramer, Özgür Atlagan, Selda Asal, Yasemin Nur

The project »In the Blink of a Bird« was initiated by the artist collective Sis*. Working collaboratively, Sis negotiates themes of freedom of expression, bureaucracy, and immigration. In Turkey, print and radio media in particular are increasingly subject to regulations that restrict freedom of expression. To demonstrate the subversive potential of these media, the artists of the collective chose techniques from

these fields for their work. In May 2017, Depo İstanbul hosted the first exhibition of »In the Blink of a Bird«, a multimedia installation that included »Incoming Papers« (printed matter) and »HisTV« (video works). Unfolding between these two poles, the current exhibition

at the nGbK integrates additional content by employing materials that have been gathered over the past two years. During this time, many people from Turkey have moved to Europe, and mainly to Berlin. Therefore, the notion of relocating is conceptually taken into account in the exhibition. For the nGbK Sis developed new modules for their installation, like a wall newspaper and a printing press as well as

the »Bureaucratic Application Anxiety Consultation Agency«. A new performance devised for this fictive agency, which offers to help newcomers navigate the bureaucratic jungle, will be presented to the public twice during the exhibition period.

*Sis is a collective of artists from Turkey founded in 2016 during a stay in the project space Apartment Project in Berlin. The increasing suppression of freedom of speech in Turkey forced the artists to work with indirect forms of expression. Since then, Sis has been exploring collective production. The collective is constantly shifting in size, and coming together in different constellations, with new members actively joining while others are stepping aside


In the Blink Of A Bird (2nd Rendition)

In this performance, the members and collaborators of Sis explore the realm of bureaucracy. They consult, guide and counsel visitors through the exhibition, paperwork, unvoiced complications and then on to a Next Stage.

This performance is the modified second rendition of the first »In the Blink of A Bird«, realized in Depo Istanbul in 2017. Since the performers are only able to offer consultations to a limited number of people at a time, Sis collective suggests that the

visitors make an online appointment by filling out a form. Members of Sis advise the visitors to be ready to encounter questions like »Are you able to eat fresh coriander?« or »Have you ever been to a courthouse?« and they say that it is ok to bring a friend, because no man is an island, right?

Visitor A and Visitor B arrive at the nGbK. In the courtyard, there are two lines to enter the exhibition. The shorter line is for those who made appointments online, and the longer line is for the walk-in visitors. There are two little signs above the door to

indicate which line is for whom: Online Appointments and Others. Visitor A does not have an appointment. Visitor B was aware of the exhibition’s mandate prior to her visit so she made an appointment. While B gets in the Online Appointments line, A thinks “Maybe it does not matter,” and follows B to the same line. As the line moves and it is their turn to get their papers, B’s process is initiated;

however A, whose name is not on the Online Appointments list, goes back and gets in the Others line to wait for service. The Others line moves, and Visitor A enters the Waiting Hall. While waiting for her turn, she observes her surroundings. There are two counters, one for each line, with two clerks each. There are places to sit in front of the counters. Her friend B has already received her documents and is sitting there waiting for A. In the Waiting Hall, there are some brochures and books placed haphazardly on low tables. A is

able to glimpse some of the titles: What to Expect When You Are Expecting to Get A Visa?; Intro to Smiling Therapy; Inevitable Consequences of Having A Cat As A Guest; Foot Warming Guidebook For Those Who Are Not Accustomed to Northern European Winters; Cram Your Life Into One Suitcase. B waves at A, showing one of the brochures. The title is Handbook for the Remaining Academic, Who is Sending Off A Departing Academic. A makes a gesture meaning “What is that?” B shrugs. One of the screens in the Waiting Hall draws A’s attention. On the screen a woman in a cat costume sips coffee and says “My name is Berduş [Hobo], I’m one year old. I am from

İstanbul. I’m a cat. I came to Berlin with İstanbul-Berlin Cat Employment Line.” It is A’s turn. The clerk at the counter asks A her name. The clerk says “Welcome to the Bureaucratic Application Anxiety Therapy, A. I will now prepare your entry documents for you. You can enter the Consultation Hall with this document. I will now ask you some questions. Your document will be prepared according to your answers to

these questions, and you will then be directed to the consultation offices.” A responds, “OK.” The Clerk begins to ask questions.

“Are you able to eat fresh coriander?”


“Have you ever dreamt of flying?”


“Do you like walking in the rain?”

“I do not.”

“Is your shoe size bigger than a European 40?

“Yes, it is 46.”

“Have you ever tortured a living thing when you were a kid?”

“I mean, once we ripped the wings off of a fly, tied it with a string…”

“Got my answer. Do you have any surgical scars on your body?”

“I don’t.”

The clerk thanks A, picks up an orange paper from under the counter and stamps

“OK.” The Clerk begins to ask questions.

“Are you able to eat fresh coriander?”


“Have you ever dreamt of flying?”


“Do you like walking in the rain?”

“I do not.”

“Is your shoe size bigger than a European 40?

“Yes, it is 46.”

“Have you ever tortured a living thing when you were a kid?”

“I mean, once we ripped the wings off of a fly, tied it with a string…”

“Got my answer. Do you have any surgical scars on your body?”

“I don’t.”

The clerk thanks A, picks up an orange paper from under the counter and stamps it. While passing the paper to A, she says:

“Now A, I indicated this on your documents, but still, let me explain. To be processed in the Bureaucratic Application Anxiety Therapy Database, everyone who gets a consultation has to visit the Recorder. Then you must go to the Dream Sorcerer.

Not everyone is required to receive services from them, but you do because you have never dreamt of flying. If you want to get some additional information at any point you can always go to the Mobile Info Desk. If you feel like the information or consultation that you are given is not enough or that you want to take a breather, then you can visit the Sis Bar. We do not claim that you will find answers to your questions at the Sis Bar but we think that spending time there is beneficial for our advisees. Lastly, you must go to the Portal Opener and get your portals opened. This is crucial: All advisees should go via the portal to the Next Stage from the Consultations Hall. If you are here with a friend you can accompany one another. No man’s an island, right? Next in line, please?”


some time at the waiting room where they are invited to enjoy some guidebooks at the entrance. These books are produced in order to prepare you for a large array of adaptation processes as you leave one place for another.

The Bureaucratic Application Anxiety Consultation Agency delivers its services in several stages: First, you are welcomed and registered at the reception area, adjacent to which you will find a waiting room. The pass you receive at the counter contains several questions and consultation suggestions based on your needs. The next step leads you to the Recorder, where a unique portrait of you is produced on the spot and attached to your pass. Following that, you are expected to go to Document Control. Once your papers have been approved and stamped, the sessions begin. The Consultation Offices are designed to bring relief to your bureaucratic ailments.


 The Lost and Found accompanies you while you are going after or letting go of lost elements of your life. The Dream Sorcerer works with plant recipes, dream journals and daily rituals.

The Legal Spin invites you to play a game of dizzying arbitrariness. Finally, everybody has to go through the Portal: It takes you to the other side where your new life begins. Two sessions take place in Berlin, in April and in June. Besides these times, you will

Find the space devoid of consultants. Their remnants, instruments and voices will be there to comfort you. Chant the lyrics as you go along the booths: The judges will decide/The likes of me abide/Spectators of the show/Always staying low/The game is on again/A lover or a friend/A big thing or a small/The winner takes it all.

Dream of the Security Guy: I see myself walking in the bottom of a dried-up lake. It is sizzling hot. Coal taste in my mouth. I want to sit down and have a rest but I can’t. I can’t remember how to sit. I try to picture someone sitting, but I fail to do so. All the people I know, I recall standing. I keep on walking. I am all in sweat. Charcoal taste in my mouth. My tongue is glued to the roof of my mouth. Then I see someone from afar. We walk towards each other. When we are face to face, I see a black surface instead of a face. Looking again, I realize that its head is a huge black tooth. A mute black grinder tooth. I ask for water. It stands silent. Darkness, in the shape of a tooth. I ask for water. It doesn’t spare me any. “Let’s grapple” I say. I reach out to grab its neck with my hands, as they dive inside this tooth-shaped darkness, they get wet. I find water. My head sinks into the darkness and I drink. As I drink, I see bending knees, a descending hip, a deep breath released between two lips. Eventually when I finish it all, I see a praying mantis laying its eggs onto a stone in the bottom of the darkness. I wake up with a charcoal taste in my mouth.

consultation office: recorder is an appropriation of the form of photo booths where individuals can obtain perfectly scaled, biometrical portrait photos as required for the visa applications. The outer surface of the booth is fully covered with previously taken portraits of anonymous people and one can hear whispers coming from inside. Within the cabin, someone called the recorder is seated. Although this person in charge comes across hundreds of people each day, she should be sitting there silently for an unbearably long while. Her profession entails alienation, isolation and automatic behaviour. Out of sheer boredom, she starts making up stories and imagine things about the lives of the people she faces.The cabin represents the mind of the recording apparatus of a bureaucratic machinery. The whispers emanating from it produce fictional information about the intimate and confidential details of the lives of its visitors. The recorder asks the incoming person to sit on a chair, draws by hand an impressional portrait of him or her, and keeps a copy of it. Then she attaches the drawing onto the photo section of the application document, stamps it with a generic police cachet and hands back the filled document. The registration is completed. Next,


consultation office: legal spin

Do stop by the Legal Spin if you are up for a legislative adventure or maybe a nightmare. Have you ever been illegal in a lawless utopia? If you are planning to be a criminal of thought in a legislative adventure by accident, come to have a “legal spin.” It can predict your future, even construct it for you. You know, it is a big investment to be a criminal of freedom and peace. Spin the fortune wheel! A lucky penal code will smile on you. Luck and law. This is what we live for!

consultation office: dream sorcerer

 Instills fear in the people, causing everyone to lose hope. Joy Potion Room suggests possible solutions so not to lose hope.

How do we spread Joy Potion to every household in the city?

Pipe Dream Sorcerer

Pipe Dream: An unattainable or fanciful hope or scheme. What are the outgoing dreams and what are the remaining dreams? Maybe we are

realizing the other’s dream. What are the ghost images? Pipe Dream Sorcerer tries to instill hope and courage to dream with this brand-new

method Joy potion . Joy potion is a product that helps you to find joy in daily routine. Joy position will give you daily treatment to get in contact with your emotions. It aims to hold on to vital emotions when things get darker and when one loses the joy of life.It will help you to accept your feelings and restore your courage to find joy.With calm and gentility, it will give you opportunities to see, to touch and hold joy

everyday. Joy position will suggest simple and small adjustments to look for joy. Stop losing yourself in the daily worries and stare at a tree as long as you can.Pick up a leaf from the street and hold on to it. Then give it to someone else.

Talk to a flower.

consultation office: lost & found

 You never know what you will find until you lose. Private consultancy for numerous things that can, may, will or should get lost; your fingerprints, your memories, your tongue, your roots, your map, your reflexes or the images of your city of origin, never mind, Lost&Found Consultancy Service will help you with their direct and dreamt tools; a consultancy you have never experienced before. We have good news; more items will be added to the consultancy list as life goes on and we experience more of it… No need to worry by yourself; we can do it TOGETHER!












Lost & Found

consultation office: portal opener


Hello there. Welcome to the Portal Opener. It’s not a coincidence that you’re here. You’ve been preparing for this for a long, long time. You’ve come a long way – and now you’re on a threshold. Between past and future, right now, here. You are here. Now. You’re ready. Listen carefully to my words, listen to my voice, and let this sound flow through your entire body. Now, take a deep breath, and relax your

shoulders as you exhale. Now, let your body be a channel for my words to flow through. With every breath, my words penetrate

into your body: through your nostrils, from the top of your head, through your ears to the back of the eye sockets,

from the back of your head to your neck, my words are diffusing throughout your body, in circular motion… With every breath, my words are making their way through your body, softening every single place on the way; from the nape, through the shoulders, along the spine, my words, my voice, your breaths continue to flow, together with your breaths; while the belly is soft, from the hips to the back of your legs, from your thighs to your knees, to your calves, to your heels, to the soles of your feet, the flow continues, and now, my words are starting to spread out softly to the soles of your feet, spreading all over the feet, along with your breath… With each breath you take, lengthen a little bit more and expand with each exhalation; take the root now, stay rooted, grounded… Slowly begin to bring your attention to your right foot. Feel the full weight of your body here, on your right foot and slowly, transfer your weight from your right foot to your left foot, and then from your left foot to your right foot and continue like this a few breaths more… With your next inhalation, slowly lift your right foot off the ground, and place it a step further as you exhale, very slowly, grounding with your whole foot… Take a breath away from the floor,

lifting your left foot and as you exhale,place your left foot and stay grounded this  way, continue like this, slowly, with each breath, step by step, very slow, without any rush… Your attention on your breathing, move slowly towards the blue valves… and now, reach with your right hand to the blue valves, hold the second valve from the left, grasp it in your palm and start to turn it to the right. Flip, flip, flip, two more breaths… Very nice…. And then turn the valve to the left during three breaths more… Yes… Your attention on your breathing,

look around now, to your right side, to your left side, to the ceiling, to the ground… Look around… See the pipes, let your eyes soften on the pipes… and reach out the pipes and set the one on the top aside, look at the others, once again, and hold the one that is closest to you and take a deep breath… As you exhale, bring your lips closer to the end of the pipe and blow out all the breath by blowing into the pipe. Soften the abdomen thoroughly, soften your shoulders, soften between the eyebrows… Keep your attention on your breathing… and with your next inhalation, move to the red valves on the right side, each step is a breath. You are in front of the red valves. Stay here for

two breaths… Your breath continues to flow… and with your next inhalation, grab the third valve from the left. Stay here for two breaths… As you exhale, start to turn the valve from left to right… Three breaths… Now turn it to the other side… Two breaths

more… And now put the end of the pipe you hold into the valve. Place it well until no space left. A FULL SETTLEMENT. FIT. FIT. THE PERFECT FIT. The end of the pipe is at the mouth of the valve. Now… With the other end of the pipe in your hand, take a step towards the opposite wall, slow down, slow down, and bring your attention to the ground, notice the connection on the ground, attach the pipe to it, and continue moving with your breath, move towards the stack of pipes, take the first one you detected, and attach it to the other end of the connection on the ground, place it well… The other end of the pipe in your hand, straight up slowly, gradually, the spine is long, the shoulders are soft, move forward with breaths… and now insert the end of the pipe in your hand into the second red valve from the right. Place it well. Now, gently close your eyes. Stay here for two breaths… Your stomach is soft, shoulders are soft… Two more breaths… Let the middle of the two eyebrows be soft… The breaths continue to flow… Good… NOW… OPEN YOUR EYES. YOU ARE HERE. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE READY TO PASS THROUGH THE PORTAL. All your blockages are unlocked.

The flow of your new life has just begun. You are in flow. Now, go on, continue this way… Following your breath, continue like this… Continue…


The news arrives but we don’t know what to do with the lack of what is found there, so we join the forces at the Printing Press Operations. And we call out to you. The first edition of a wall newspaper by Sis collective will be presented to you at nGbK, amidst several consultation booths and a tea house. We invite you to explore the news before the future arrives. This is a panorama of nightmares, cures, mountaintops, trials, past trials, upcoming trials, moments of rescue, relief, and rejoicement. Soon we all will be outside, absorbing sunlight and warmth, and we will forget about Time. Trees are in bloom. You notice that the smell in the air is changing. What you eat is changing. The Earth is filled with excitement for the new. You find yourself humming along with other tunes now. Keep that freshness for a moment. But then, we come back here, you and me, and we still have to deal with papers, past accounts, new addresses, unlicked stamps, tired limbs, heavy heads, bummer news, lost jobs, lost lovers. Breathe out the anxiety now. And come join us for the Printing Press Operations at nGbK. Tell the world about your news. We will write, discuss, make drawings, have some tea, eat some börek, crack some jokes together. We have our feelings and rolls of paper, sources and skills to share. We will feed the MIMEOGRAPH and RISO machines with our pages, and will apply PARTISAN PRINTING for the thick-ink lovers. All we need is your presence and your news (clippings, sketches, notes…anything goes). Can you hear our love buzz?

hayal mashine Operating the Hayal Mashine

Birgit Auf der Lauer & Caspar Pauli have spent days with SIS listening into their project planning in Istanbul. The listening process continues at the nGbK, where the duo harvests spoken word, sentences and printed matter of SIS and its audiences. The harvested texts are altered

and turned into right wing propaganda, which could be found in diverse German / European media. In the performance the

twisted texts become a printed score for a choreography: That of a Karagöz shadow figure moved by a dot matrix printer. It’s a

male belly dancer shaking his hips, holding two passports, two identities, but no real choice, as he is moved by the printer. “Hayal” is an Ottoman word of Arabic origin and means illusion or “shadow of illusion”.



The TV channel of Sis brings together art works that appropriate different formats of television shows. As an addition to already

existing works, using the set constructed in the exhibition space, new shows were produced before and during the exhibition,

generating a flow of ‘information’. Employing an imaginative and a satirical approach,

HisTV re-programs the television medium, which is currently occupied by commercials and contemporary political rhetoric. This

imaginary TV channel keeps record of contemporary memory.





»In the Blink of a Bird (second rendition)« by Sis Collective



Operating the Hayal Machine by Birgit auf der Lauer & Caspar Pauli



»Black on Black« by Ceren Oykut & Fezaya Firar

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Black on Black


“Black on Black ‘’ is an audiovisual improvisation of live drawing and electronic music. Ceren Oykut’s surprising, tribal and tameless lines are telling stories of urban transformation, animals and language while accompanied by the purely live synthesized sonic waves of FezayaFirar, which swing between acyclic industrial drone and rhythmscapes.


Newspaper Workshop by Sis Collective

Information below *


His TV Studio Session – Live program

»Hands Off My Friend« with the group »Friends of Osman Kavala« With: Shermin Langhoff, Arsinée Khanjian Camera: Selda Asal, Sandra Schäfer, Savas Boyraz

Moderator | Presenter: Erden Kosova


Friday, 3 May 2019, 13:00-18:00

HisTV Open Studio – Recordings

Information below **


Saturday, 4 May 2019


Panel discussions (EN)

»What’s Not Happening in Istanbul?« With: Merve Ünsal, Fatma Belkıs Moderation | Chaired by: Ingo Arend

In the beginning of the 2000s, fertile ground led artistic production to flourish in Istanbul. Financial support for art was on the rise, as were multiple independent institutions. But today, the prevalence of self-censorship in culture and arts organisations has become the

norm. There are fewer funding possibilities, and institutions are closing due to economical problems. As conservatism and nationalism continues to grow on international scale, political oppression, censorship and violence is increasing day by day in Turkey. Artists were forced to change their production practices. In these political economical conditions, what are the new methods of production and expression for artists? And which new forms of exhibition-making and financing can withstand the pressure of the current situation?


»Art At Stake / What are the limits of free expression for an artist?«

With: Ceren Oykut, Selda Asal, Ece Gökalp  Moderation | Chaired by: Yasemin Nur In countries racing towards autocracy, what is the position artists can take against the skillful plots of fear-inducing politics? How is their work affected by this? What type of

expression is possible? What paths are taken?


» ›New Wave‹ Migration from Turkey: Displacement, Survival and Solidarity«

With: Onur Ceritoğlu, Özlem Sarıyiıdız, Tuba İnal Çekiç Moderation | Chaired by: Özge Yaka

In the last few years, Berlin has become a major destination for highly educated, critically minded young people from Turkey (the so-called ›new wave‹). While most of them are not political refugees in the classical sense, they felt that they had to leave their home country.

Stories of displacement and loss evolve into stories of re-making and solidarity in an urban

environment that is marked by earlier waves of migration. This panel is about how those stories engender art works and projects that seek to create solidarity. Tuesday, 14 May 2019, 13:00-17:00


Newspaper Workshop by Sis Collective

Information below *

Wednesday, 15 May 2019


HisTV Open Studio – Recordings

Information below **


Operating the Hayal Machine by Birgit auf der Lauer & Caspar Pauli



»Post Truth Spa Center – seance02« by Şafak Çatalbaş

Saturday, 18 May 2019, 17:30-19:30

Newspaper Workshop by Sis Collective

Information below *


Thursday, 23 May 2019, 13:00-18:00

HisTV Open Studio – Recordings

Black on Black

“Black on Black ‘’ is an audiovisual improvisation of live drawing and electronic music. Ceren Oykut’s surprising, tribal and tameless lines are telling stories of urban transformation, animals and language while accompanied by the purely live synthesized sonic waves of FezayaFirar, which swing between acyclic industrial drone and rhythmscapes.