Chromatic Wednesdays #22
Chromatic Wednesdays
drafted and organized by Apartment Project
supported by “NEUSTART KULTUR” and Fonds Soziokultur
June 2021 | Geography | Episode 1
with WET Collective
28 July 2021, Wednesday
Live Screening and Snack!
20:00-22:00 (GMT+2)
@Apartment Project
After a little pause, we continue our Chromatic Wednesday series with WET Collective.
We welcome you to join us in our project space!
Wet invites you for Kapsalon – a screening of short films and a Rotterdam delicacy developed across the complexities of languages and geopolitics.
Suggested donation for Kapsalon €2
Kapsalon served from 8pm
Screening 8.30pm
Anna Łuczak – Trust Speakers
Marta Hryniuk – Sohaila
Marta Hryniuk & Erika Roux – Balkon van Europa
Pejvak – A Passage
Nick Thomas & Sophie Bates -Noordzee/ North Sea
Jake Caleb – Supporting Stones
Kapsalon (meaning hairdresser in Dutch) is a fast food dish that came into being by accident in 2003.
The story points to Nathaniël Gomes, a hairdresser from Cape Verde in the Rotterdam district of Delfshaven, who one day at a neighboring shawarma store “El Aviva” asked to combine all his favorite ingredients into one dish. He began regularly to request what the restaurant called “the usual order for the Kapsalon”. Other customers noticed and started to order the Kapsalon too, and it became a “hit”! The Kapsalon has been described as “a typical example of contemporary cultural heritage”, and “representative of the transnational nature of the city”.
In the spirit of Kapsalon, Wet has selected short videos with similar qualities and complexities, broadly referring to the theme of “Geography, this month’s theme of Chromatic Wednesdays. WET is a Rotterdam-based production and distribution cooperative for film, video, and artists’ moving images founded by Anna Maria Łuczak, Erika Roux, Marta Hryniuk, Nick Thomas, and Sophie Bates in 2018. We work within a spectrum of contemporary moving image practices and come together to pursue a mode of production based on collaboration and mutual support. WET assists in the production of works through the exchange of labor, equipment, and expertise.
Live-stream link:
Previous episodes of Chromatic Wednesdays:
Project Type:
Chromatic Wednesdays, Performance
Project Category:
Transdisciplinary Experimentation
Sponsors & Partners:
Fonds Soziokultur, Neustart Kultur