Condition Room

Having departed from the complicated context of present-day Turkey, we observe that our conditions of living and working in Berlin constantly overlap and interact. We inspire each others’ oscillating stories; we resist forgetting while we also consciously strive to forget. We persist in our own memories; we are claiming our own words to constitute our…


Situational Dictionary :NOW

It seems like we are supposed to be living in the here and now, but situations can suddenly change. The here becomes impossible, and the now becomes a transitory state between past and future. Often these abrupt changes are triggered by uncontrollable external events. Life plans get shaken up and social connections become scattered. There…


Book Launch_ Situational Dictionary

Book Launch_Situational Dictionary: NOW _ 22.03.2019 @18:00  


Ece Gökalp – The Words are Insufficient

This project chases a woman who had neither a very long nor a very deep life. Nazifya Akarsu, died at the age of 35, and left 8 children behind. Her still-living 5 children don’t have much memory about her, and she couldn’t leave too much behind. The only information about her is as following: She…